Feel Your Best

At Vashon Island Aesthetics, our primary focus is you. We strive to provide natural, beautiful results in harmony with your personal aesthetic. We value nurturing connections with our clients through thoughtful listening. We believe informed consent is reached through client education and anatomical teaching, thus creating client confidence and satisfaction.

Injectable Benefits

Diminish Fine Lines and Wrinkles

Botulinum toxin A (neuromodulator) works by temporarily relaxing the muscles responsible for causing wrinkles, while dermal fillers plump up the skin, reducing the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles effectively.

Restore Facial Volume

Over time, the face loses its naturally produced collagen, resulting in areas of hollowing and thinning. Fillers can address this concern by replenishing lost volume and contouring the face. By strategically injecting fillers into areas like the cheeks, lips, and chin, a skilled aesthetic professional can restore fullness, bringing back a fuller and vibrant look.

Non-Invasive Solution

One of the greatest advantages of medical injectables is their non-invasive nature. Unlike surgical procedures, these treatments require minimal downtime, allowing you to return to your daily activities almost immediately. This makes them an ideal option for those seeking noticeable results without the inconvenience and risks associated with surgery. 

Enhancing Facial Features

Medical injectables can do more than just rejuvenate the skin; they can also enhance your natural beauty by augmenting specific facial features. Dermal fillers can be used to augment lips, enhancing their shape and adding volume in a subtle and natural-looking way. Additionally, these injectables can refine the jawline, strengthen the appearance of a weak chin, and even correct asymmetry, creating a more harmonious and balanced facial appearance.

Long-Lasting Results

Medical injectables for the face provide long-lasting results, making them an excellent investment in your skin's future. Depending on the specific product used and individual factors, the effects of treatments from botulinum toxin A and dermal fillers can last several months to over a year. Regular maintenance sessions can help extend the benefits, ensuring that your skin maintains its radiance for an extended period.


  • Generally, the procedure is relatively quick and is often described as causing only mild discomfort. Some individuals may report feeling a slight stinging or pinching sensation during the injection, but it is typically well-tolerated. The pain is often brief, as the procedure itself usually takes only a few minutes. The needles used for injections are very fine, and often practitioners use ice or a topical numbing cream on the injection site to minimize any potential pain.

  • When administered by a qualified and experienced healthcare professional, botulinum toxin A (neuromodulator) injections for cosmetic and certain medical purposes are considered safe. Botulinum toxin A has been used for many years and has undergone extensive research and testing.

  • Treatment time generally takes about 60 minutes, with most of that time used for consultation. Actual injection time is less than 20 minutes, depending on how many units are administered.

  • The results of botulinum toxin A injections are not immediate but typically start to become noticeable within a few days to a week after the procedure. However, it's important to note that the full effects may take up to two weeks to fully develop.

  • Keep in mind that individual responses to botulinum toxin A can vary, and some people may experience results more quickly than others. The duration of the effects also varies, typically lasting three to four months. After this period, muscle activity gradually returns to normal, and repeat treatments are usually necessary to maintain the desired results. The more consistent a person is with treatment, the more the muscle relaxes over time, extending the treatment time needed for results.

Nice to meet you. I’m Melissa.

Melissa has been caring for people as a nurse and nurse practitioner since 2011, now offering aesthetic practices. Melissa has been a member of the Vashon community since 1997, where she and her husband raised their two daughters.

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